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These are Free GPX Tracts from Capt'Jon & Bairdman

GPX Tracks & Loops

These are unpaved public county roads that require plated and insured vehicles for use.


You can expect children, oncoming traffic, hiker's, horses, dog's, deer, turkey, chickens, rattle snakes, copperheads, fallen trees, road washouts. In a nut shell, expect the unexpected adventure.

Again, these are public roads. These Free GPX tracks only link DOT roads together in a convenient loop.

You will find that you are on your own out there. If you choose to go, please be safe, bring a friend and have FUN.

All our Tracks are from public use Open Source Maps. Click the Download Icon to be taken to our Drive. You agree to our terms of waiver by downloading any and all files.


By downloading any routes or files, you’re acknowledging that you are using this route at your own risk and are responsible for your own actions. You agree all liability for any damage, loss, or injuries to yourself and all property you come in contact with. These tracks follow DOT regulated Federal, State and local roads. These government agencies are responsible for the condition and safety of these roads. You Agree to take full responsibility for your actions and whereabouts. To respect private property, posted signs, have legally plated vehicles with legal registration and legal insurance. Let’s Take a Ride, David Baird, and Jon Buffington are free from all of your personal actions and decisions. 



Beginning at any location of your choice that will put you in Centerville for a Catfish lunch would be both a long and good day indeed. This loop covers a large of Chirt Roads from interstate I-40 to the Natchez Trace.



These Free GPX tracks officially begin at the Buffalo River Resort just North of Lobelville, TN. They cover Chirt roads East to the Natchez Trace, and back. Centerville, TN is a short side trip with BBQ or Catfish restaurants.



Beginning at any location of your choice that will put you in Centerville for a Catfish lunch would be both a long and good day indeed. This loop covers a large of Chirt Roads from interstate I-40, to the Natchez Trace.


LTAR Noah's Landing 77miles Collinwood

This is an out and back on one track. The beginning is at Noah's Landing.

441 S Ore Rd, Westpoint, TN 38486


Lunch is in Collinwood, TN for Mexican Cuisine.


86miles Waynesboro

This is an out and back on one track. The beginning is at Noah's Landing. 

441 S Ore Rd. Westpoint, TN 38486

Lunch is in Waynesboro at EMERALDS RESTAURANT.

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100miles Hohenwald

This is an out and back on one track. The beginning is at Noah's Landing.

Lunch is in Hohenwald at the Junk Yard Dog Steakhouse

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Noah's Landing
Waterloo Loop 130miles

This is a loop to waterloo area and back.

There are no food stops on this loop. Bring what you need, or eat GAS station food.

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LTAR TN Fayetteville 140miles


LTAR TN Huntland 147miles

Some of these roads were used by the TAT at one time. Expect great country roads, gravel roads and a great ride. I recommend you study these maps with satellite imagery before you go. Not all routes are rutted dirt jeep trails. These aren't those, but they are a great ride. 

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Capt'Jon's Connector 180miles

This is not a loop. But like loops, it's a full days adventure of a ride. This connects the Fayetteville area to the Fall Creek Falls Area.

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LTAR TN Fall Creek Falls 135miles


LTAR TN Pikeville 160miles

Fall Creek Falls takes you on great country roads, dirt roads, and has a great overlook. Pikeville is the same with more pavement in the mix. These are not strictly enduro bike or big bike focused, but rather a nice balance in-between. Great area.

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Graded Roads Adventure Tour

The GRAT was one winters project that kept me busy for many months. After, I began riding it in sections.


To date, I've personally ridden from the top of Land Between The Lakes in Kentucky, down to Winona, Mississippi. That's all I've ridden.


Going Clockwise, to Hot Springs Arkansas is completely untested by me. I carefully cross-checked, using many maps in the construction of this loop (including Google Earth Pro). With Google Pro, I was able to fly down, looking for, and confirming county stop signs at entrances to these roads (road signs with name's, was the standard I sought. But not all that I used have these). 

In Mississippi, I got bogged down for a summer, trying to learn the safety, and lay of the state.


I found three zones of riding: 

Close to major cities, a twenty mile buffer from the cities, and the deep country.


The deep country became my choice for this route. The people in the deep country are quiet, sometimes leery, always curious, and always nice in my journeys. Some people were questionable, but welcome to the world. 

Some people who've traveled the TAT, have made negative comments about this state. But I've found that deep country riding in Mississippi, from North to South is a very good ride.

I've not made it into the lower counties of Arkansas yet. It looks like straight sectional timber industry roads with satellite maps.


Central, and Northern Arkansas routes are pieced together from many rallies, and groups who regularly ride Dual Sport there. They post these tracks up for public use, and there's many conversations about active rides there year around. So, I'm quite confident these tracks are good.

Mississippi during the hot months is not as FUN. I imagine Southern Arkansas is the same.


NOBODY has ridden this loop in it's entirety yet. If you take on this ride. Please let me know, as I want to know the names of the first explorers to see it.


Bairdman & Capt'Jon





2025 This years ride is on MAY 2nd and 3rd.

FREE RIDE: This is not a Rally or an Event but rather a Grass Root's Rendezvous.

These are county roads requiring that you posses a motorcycle drivers license and have valid insurance to operate your motorcycle on DOT roads. The loops provided by us are simply suggestions for a great day's ride on some country roads. We will not be leading or sweeping any rides. This is ride your own ride, come and go as you please. However, RAM is putting on an event ride you can participate in. See the video below for more information concerning that. 


We're staying at Buck's Ranch Campgrounds in Waynesboro, TN.  You don't register with us as we're simply promoting the idea of a Rendezvous. However, you do need to be a paid, registered camper for insurance purposes to get onto the property. You can purchase day passes from the campgrounds. All VENDORS contact the Campgrounds for your camp spot and you're good to go.

The alternative campgrounds is Heartstone Campgrounds. This is for those who want a quiet tent camping experience for the weekend. It is a short commute to and from Bucks Ranch and with your day pass at Bucks Ranch, you can use the facilities there.

When you book a stay with either Buck's Ranch or Heartstone Campgrounds they have a key code for you to register and join this years 2025 RAM Rally. This is provided to all campers for FREE.

Put your teams together early guys, it'll be here quick.
                           Contact Dave McKee @ RAMRALLY.COM


This years sponsor for our Poker Hand is once again


Poker Hands will be played Fri-evening for one winner and Sat-evening for one winner. Hands are $10 (bring cash) Unlimited hands are available. Keep your best hand to win. Times will be announced closer to the dates (rendezvous).

Let's Take a Ride!

In the old tradition of RENDEVOUS here in the USA. Feel free to bring a table and sell your old gear. Anyone from Trading Companies with goods for sale, come sell your stuff.

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